Tag Archives: Crochet Uncut

2010 Crochet Awards: The perks of being Fearless Leader

I’m getting so excited; The Flamies are coming! The Flamies are coming! It’s funny some people have interpreted Flamies to mean we’re putting down crochet, and have missed out on the fact that the standard of the CLF for all members to bear, is the Flaming Hook of Justice! The awards are named after our beloved Flaming Hook.

One of the best perks of being FL is the fact that I get to know who won in advance, AND I get to see the wonderful award graphics as they are being made by 3-D graphic artist Darlisa Riggs (publisher and editor of Crochet Uncut). OMG they are so awesome this year, a completely different design to last year, and if I could afford to have the trophies made for real I so would! Beautiful rendering by a very very talented woman, I can not wait until they get unveiled! Darlisa has requested we keep it hush hush until she gives the nod, so this is all I can say right now. What I will say though, is the winners should just be thrilled to have them, beause they are gorgeous!

Thank you Darlisa! Check out Darlisa’s work, her art website is linked in the top right hand corner of the blog! Please honor her talents by checking out her detailed and creative work! 

Don’t forget to tune into to Getting Loopy for the 2010 Crochet Awards: The Flamies. Monday, April 19 6pm pacific/9 Eastern!

Fall Issue of Crochet Uncut!

Hey hooksters the unofficial official magazine of the Crochet Liberation Front: Crochet Uncut, has released it’s Fall Issue! Just in time for our itchy fingers to get busy!

Also a few places of note: The fourth weekend of this month called September, I’ll be trekking down to the Oregon Flock and Fiber with my good friend, nature photographer Bec Thomas to see fibery goodness, and hopefully hook up with Myra Wood who is teaching a wonderful class at this huge event! YAY!

Then my family and I are heading down to Portland Oregon for Halloween to hang out with Inga (Rockpoolcandy) and Jim (Jimbo) to do something with the world’s largest crochet hook, handspinning, crochet and a spiders web! Stay tuned for more information!

If you are a spinner/crocheter or like to goofy and are in the Portland area and want to help let us know!

News, Notables, and Male Members

The weekend approacheth, and I’m busy beyond belief. Half of my to-do list didn’t get done this week, due to some insane wackiness that was sent my way by ill winds of fortune. Luckily, I banished the winds to their rightful place, and am trying to get back on track! YAY. So, this post is going to be a hodge podge of CLF awesomeness!

First of all, the CLF Sponsored Flamie Awards are getting mentioned in print! The latest Interweave Crochet magazine (and on the Crochet Me site) they have an ad for the magazine feature their 2008 Flamie Award for Best Crochet Magazine! That graphic was designed by Darlisa Riggs (Fignations on Ravelry), she is a fabulous artist and also manages and runs the awesome E-Zine Crochet Un-Cut, the Official Unofficial Magazine of the Crochet Liberation Front.

Yup, I just said it. Male members.  We have them in the CLF and while I often wax on about feminism, I acknowledge with ferver that men indeed crochet (and knit, and weave, and spin, and do all the kinds of crafting women do), and we have many men in the CLF. Many of them notable crocheters in the industry, and some notable in their awesomeness as CLF members, and all of them notable not because they are male, but because they are awesome crocheters. They happen to be male.

One such member, is Josh, who’s article on male inclusion into Chat-n-Chains (or Sit and Knits) is featured on the Crochet Insider’s fabulous E-Zine. It’s worth the read, it’s funny, short and makes a really good point. As much as we do not like being harassed as women when passing a construction site, men don’t like being harassed when coming to a handworking event. Oh wait there are female construction workers? Yeah, and there are male handworkers. Equality folks. Let’s not harrass the guys, especially if we don’t like being harrassed!

Oddly this article is timed with some of my very own thoughts on the subject of male handworkers. As I wrote above, I know I have written plenty about the feminism side of life, and have been wondering if that has made the guys in the CLF feel a bit left out. It was and never is intended to leave our male members out of the loop or not included. And I was about to write a post up just for them. Josh, however did a much better job of it, and I think I’m pretty clear in the CLF Manifesto that we crocheters come in all flavors, and sizes.

So with that in mind I’m off and running to the rest of my day, and hoping to get more off that to-do list! YAY for crochet we’re doing more and more out in the world folks. Let’s just keep hookin!